Call for abstracts NOBIM 2023
National conference on image processing and machine learning
June 7th-8th 2023
Tromsø, Norway

Submission deadline: 22th April 2023  1st May 2023
Author feedback: 15th May 2023

Registration deadline: 31st May 2023

The biannual NOBIM conference provides a meeting place for researchers, students, and industry within image processing, pattern recognition, and machine learning to expose relevant research and development. NOBIM 2023 takes place at Thon Hotel Polar in Tromsø on June 7th and 8th. The NOBIM conference is co-located with the annual NORA Conference (

Participation costs:

Ordinary: 1600 NOK

Member: 1300 NOK (membership costs 200 NOK)

Bachelor-, Master-, and Ph.D. students members: 1000 NOK

The participation costs cover all meals during the conference but not accommodation. Accommodations for NOBIM participants can be ordered separately through the following link: or by email to by mentioning NOBIM group.

Undergraduate and graduate students giving presentations who are NOBIM members will receive up to 2800 NOK in reimbursement after the event.


Contributions in the form of abstracts of at most 500 words, with optional figures and/or tables, may be submitted as a single-page pdf file. Accepted works will be presented as talks. The abstracts will be handed out to the conference participants. Contributions need not be publishable and may also have been published recently elsewhere.

All research and applications within image processing and machine learning are within the scope of the conference.

The best student paper will be awarded at the end of the conference. There will be one reward for Ph.D. students and one for Master/Bachelor students.

Program committee:

Karl Skretting (UiS) Program chair, Vimala Nunavath (USN), Per-Arne Andersen (UiA), Øyvind Meinich-Bache (Laerdal Medical), Pål Anders Floor (NTNU), Fereshteh Mirjalili (NTNU)

Organization committee:

Hilda Deborah (NTNU) General chair, Rashmi Gupta (Kristiania University College), Michael Kampffmeyer (UiT), Kajsa Møllersen (UiT), Per-Arne Andersen (UiA)


Link to the schedule

Note: there might still be slight changes in the program.

Link to the abstracts

Keynote speakers

Jón Atli Benediktsson

Rector of the University of Iceland and professor in the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the university. Professor Benediktsson is a Fellow of the IEEE (2004) and a Fellow of SPIE. His research focuses on remote sensing, image analysis, signal processing, and biomedical engineering. Professor Benediktsson earned his Ph.D. in 1990 from Purdue University in Indiana, USA. From 2003 to 2008, he was the editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and President of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing  Society from 2011 to 2012. He has been a Highly Cited Researcher since 2018.

Hanne and Tor Stensola

Tor and Hanne did their PhDs in the Moser lab at NTNU, where they worked together to uncover how grid cells are organized on the population level in the rat brain. Afterward, they relocated to Portugal to study sensory systems focusing on how internal representations, such as  expectation, can alter perceptual processing in early sensory cortices. They currently establish a systems neuroscience lab at the University of Agder, where they will study the formation and dynamics of odor representations in the mouse's primary olfactory cortex to gain insight into neuralmechanisms that implement categorical learning.